I have the following test code:
using (ShimsContext.Create())
// act
The SUT has the following method (for MethodCall):
Dim mq As New MSMQ.MessageQueue(messageQPath)
But I'm getting following error:
"The queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation."
Obviously the queue won't exist and I won't have sufficient permissions if I don't have a queue created on the fake message queue. Has anyone got any experience with working with MSMQ and Fakes so that the call to the MSMQ send is basically a no operation which I can verify?
The shim needs to be set-up like so:
ShimMessageQueue.AllInstances.SendObject = (m, o) =>
// verification code here
As Fakes doesn't have concept of verifying a call directly using the framework, you just put the verification code inside the lambda for the SendObject call.