Can anyone help me with this MySQL query?
SELECT p.ProductID,
FROM Products p
WHERE p.IsSpecial = 1
AND p.SpecialDate >= date_sub(now(),interval 15 minute)
AND p.DiscountPercentage >= ?DiscountPercentage
AND p.ProductID NOT IN (SELECT lf.LiveFeedID
From LiveFeed lf
WHERE p.ProductID = lf.ProductID
AND lf.DateAdded >= date_sub(now(),interval 30 day))
AND p.StoreID NOT IN (SELECT lf.LiveFeedID
From LiveFeed lf
WHERE p.StoreID = lf.StoreID
AND lf.DateAdded >= date_sub(now(),interval 6 hour))
ORDER BY p.StoreID, p.DiscountPercentage DESC
I'm trying join where the ProductID is not in the livefeed table in the last 30 days and where the storeid is not in the livefeed table in the last 6 hours, but it does not seem to be working. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
At a glance, it would appear that your first subquery should be selecting ProductID
, not LiveFeedID
and your second subquery should be selecting StoreID
not LiveFeedID