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WPF Tab Control with Touch Not Working

I have a tab control that only responds to changing tabs with the mouse click.

Do I need to manually code in an event handler for tab control despite having the Surface SDK? Or is there a better control handler that I could use here?

I feel like this is entirely counter productive to the point of having the SDK. Especially because I plan on having a lot of different, unique tabs in my program and don't want to be handling each tab individually with nested ifs in a button_TouchDown function. I already have custom buttons that that have button_TouchDown setup and adding individual tab controls would be a headache and hell of a mess of code.

I tried searching but came up empty handed which makes me think that perhaps I am missing something and it should work. Is it because I have a predefined button_TouchDown function?


  • private void TabItem_TouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
            TabItem tab = sender as TabItem;
            TabControl control = tab.Parent as TabControl;
            control.SelectedItem = tab;
            e.Handled = true;


     <TabItem x:Name="hccontactTab" Header="Phone" TouchDown="TabItem_TouchDown">