Is DWR a dead project? It does not appear to be under active development. The latest 3.0 release appears to be stalled. I'm specifically wondering if there are going to be maintenance releases of DWR 1.x or 2.x or is 3.0 is ever going to be released.
BTW. I asked this question on one of the DWR mailing lists and did not get a response.
Well, the 3.0 version is taking a while to get released, but it is nonetheless very stable. We are using it in our production environment and we do did encounter any issue so far (2+ years in use). Important issues on 2.0.X are fixed BTW. (seems that currently there are no major issues on 2.0.X).
BTW. I asked this question on one of the DWR mailing lists and did not get a response.
We had issues before (other version) and those were handler very quick.
Update Dec/2015: V3.0.1 released