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How to authenticate with facebook account in Plone

I'm searching for an existing Plone add-on that allows Facebook users to authenticate in Plone - version 4.x. There is plonesocial.auth.rpx but it's full of bugs and it doesn't work in Plone 4.



    This Plone plugin let you to enable authentication of social networks users in Plone sites, using Velruse.

    Velruse is a Pyramid application so defined:

    Velruse is a set of authentication routines that provide a unified way to have a website user authenticate to a variety of different identity providers and/or a variety of different authentication schemes.

    It is similar in some ways to Janrain Engage with the exception of being open-source, locally installable, and easily pluggable for custom identity providers and authentication schemes.

    —from Velruse documentation