How to install applications to blackberry z10 Simulator,usually in older versions of simulator we used browse from file section -->load java program and load the desired file on simulator, But for BlackBerry Z10 The Simulator can be entirely run on virtualmachines(like vmwareworkstation),
The only way i figured it out is
create an bb sandbox account-->download the desired application from it, any alternative to install bar files/bb z10 files straightaway into simulator of blackberry z10?
I need to install without using eclipse,any ideas?
You'll need to use command line tools to do this without Eclipse. Some of them are listed here, and a complete deployment example is shown here.
You'll need a debug token for your simulator (blackberry-debugtokenrequest
), package your app (I think you're already doing it as you're exporting to the sandbox) with blackberry-nativepackager
, then deploy with blackberry-deploy