I have one application developed in python 3.2, which has inbuilt modules(ex: Tkinter, matplotlib, openpyxl), user defined modules & classes(ex: draw_graph, generate_report), icon files, log file, .csv, .docx etc. I am running this application from script(ex: testapplication.py)
I have setup file as
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
exe = Executable(
name = "TESTApp",
version = "0.1",
description = "An example",
executables = [exe]
Now I want to create a exe file of this application. can anyone please suggest me a way to do this?
So this is what you need to do. For starters, change script=r"C:\Python32\testapplication.py"
to script=r"testapplication.py"
Then, put ALL the files to need to convert into C/python32
including the setup file. Then what you wan to do is get your command line up, and type the following commands: (assuming that you're cx_freeze file is named setup.py):
cd python32
python setup.py build
And then you should have a build folder in that directory containing the exe file.