everyone. I have been using Boost Graph Library but it's quite difficult to me. Recently, I have tried to draw the following graph (I used .dot file to display coz I don;t have enough reputation to attach a picture, sorry for any inconvenience caused)
enter code here
0[label = "Prof Nachiket", color = blue];
1[label = "Nick", color = red];
2[label = "Lam", color = green];
0 -- 1[label = "Supervisor"];
0 -- 1[label = "Supervisor"];
1 -- 2[label = "Co-worker" ];
And then turn it into a picture with Graphviz. However, I got no idea how to add information such as label, color into edges of graph. In other words, I have a little or no idea how to draw above graph by using Boost Graph Library. Could anyone help me out? Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Nick Ng
Its a dube, see
There are many resources online which specifies how to draw advanced graphs using Graphviz. Here are some which I have found useful in the past:
The last link is an online render, very useful if you dont have graphviz on your machine. For your specific question here's a simple example using colored edges and labels:
0 [label = "Prof Nachiket", color=blue shape=ellipse ];
1 [label = "Nick", color = red shape=Mdiamond];
2 [label = "Lam", color = green shape=diamond];
0 -- 1[label = "Supervisor" color=pink];
1 -- 2[label = "Co-worker" color=red penwidth=2];