I can delete table entries with this code:
foreach my $id (@$idarray) { #idarray is an array reference
That above code only works when @$idarray holds more than one value, but it fails when only 1 value is contained. Some ideas guys?
The error when i only delete 1 entry is:
Can't use string ("61") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use
61 there is just an example. Represents the $id
sample idarray values: $idarray = [61, 1, 2, 3];
The error message says that value 61 are used as array refernce, that means in case of single value, I think $idarray
contains only one value, not array refernce, meaning that try to do it like
if( ref $idarray eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $id (@$idarray) { #idarray is an array reference
} else{
$c->model('My::DB')->find( $idarray )->delete;