Dear Android Developers,
I would like to develop a soft keyboard for android, which I can use with any app that requires text input.
I added the InputMethod
intent-filter to my manifest as such:
<action android:name="android.view.InputMethod" />
I also added the BIND_INPUT_METHOD
permissions to my application.
What I can't find how to do is how to deploy the soft keyboard to my device. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
Since my soft keyboard has no Activity, I cannot simply deploy it as an Android application. Then how do I test my keyboard?
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the SoftKeyboard sample project in the SDK.
You can add the project to your workspace very easily via
File->New->Project->Android->Android Sample Project
(If you don't see it, go to the SDK manager (Window->Android SDK Manager) and look for "Samples for SDK".)
Basically your input method is a service, not an activity, but you deploy it the same way (build an apk). The intent-filter must be added to the service entry (see sample code).