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Heroku Rails Precompile errors

My Rails app is currently broken and when I check the heroku logs, I get the following:

ActionView::Template::Error (mixpanel.js isn't precompiled):
2013-07-22T21:05:04.591703+00:00 app[web.1]:   app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:21:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__2368959071303779648_52715720'
2013-07-22T21:05:04.587459+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 67ms

I've run rake assets:clean and RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile as Heroku's docs instructed me to do.

My manifest.yml looks like this:

first.jpeg: first-4ac2f941b0baf7a92561c83f3c1f74a1.jpeg
first/index.jpeg: first-4ac2f941b0baf7a92561c83f3c1f74a1.jpeg
second.jpeg: second-3e53e9e8f0968d1ec4611dc26f5a6c24.jpeg
second/index.jpeg: second-3e53e9e8f0968d1ec4611dc26f5a6c24.jpeg
twitter-login-button.png: twitter-login-button-6cfce5ace5f0a7831b13bb42281ef40a.png
twitter-login-button/index.png: twitter-login-button-6cfce5ace5f0a7831b13bb42281ef40a.png
application.js: application-74466be8c91632da68d8b2d6418aeb1c.js
application/index.js: application-74466be8c91632da68d8b2d6418aeb1c.js
application.css: application-d71cbf890e592c3a75ec56da2585da45.css
application/index.css: application-d71cbf890e592c3a75ec56da2585da45.css

And my app/assets/javascripts file has the following files:

  • application.js
  • mixpanel.js (the one that isn't precompiling)
  • ga.js (google analytics)
  • firebase.js

Finally, my application.js manfiest has this inside:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require_tree .

Any idea how to resolve this problem? All of the documentation I found has not been helpful thus far. I'm guessing it's something simple I'm overlooking.


  • Do you have config.assets.compile = false in your config/environments/production.rb? I had the same problem and switching it to true fixed this issue.


    config.assets.compile = true