I am building a single page website and in a section of that site I have a CSS animation
.animation {
background-color: #54a3f7;
-webkit-animation: html 2s ease-in-out;
set with
@-webkit-keyframes html {
0% { width: 0%;}
100% { width: 100%; }
I have a working example here: http://jsfiddle.net/RqH5H/
My problem is that this animation will (of course) start at window load, but I want it to start when the user clicks on the top menu and wants to see <section id="animations">
So when the user clicks on "Animation" it will scroll down to that section at start the animation
You will need Javascript to make this happen. You can add the class the points to CSS animation on click (or whatever interaction event you wish). I have put together a basic JSFiddle to demonstrate:
Note: jQuery is used.
$('#start-btn').click(function () {