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Is there a way to call an array of arrays?

Maybe there is something better to achieve what I'm trying to do but I've been stuck trying to do this and nothing else comes to mind. I created an array of arrays, but I get an error if I print everything in the arrays and it only goes four times in the loop for some reason. It's getting the data from a record set in a database. Please help?

Here is my code:

var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var connectionstring = "DSN=adsn;UID=root;PWD=1234";
var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");    
var arrayCol = new Array(17);
var arrayTable = [];
rs.MoveFirst(); //first value of the record set
//alert("Columns: "+columns); //should return 15
for(var ii=0;ii<3;ii++){
    for(var jj=0;jj<17;jj++){
        if(rs.Fields(jj).value == null && rs.Fields(jj).EOF != true){
            arrayCol[jj] = "";
            arrayCol[jj] = rs.Fields(ii).Value;
    alert(arrayCol[0]+" "+arrayCol[1]+" "+arrayCol[2]+" "+arrayCol[3]+" "+arrayCol[4]+" "+arrayCol[5]+" "+arrayCol[6]+" "+arrayCol[7]+" "+arrayCol[8]+" "+arrayCol[9]+" "+arrayCol[10]+" "+arrayCol[11]+" "+arrayCol[12]+" "+arrayCol[13]+" "+arrayCol[14]+" "+arrayCol[15]+" "+arrayCol[16]);

and as a result I get M M M undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded undefinded

M is the value of the first item in the array

It also gives me the error: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. after getting in the loop 4 times even if I change both inner and outter loop numbers to any number


  • I have no idea of ActiveX and ADOB.Recordset, but the condition rs.Fields(ii).value == null && rs.Fields(ii).EOF != true looks odd. Shouldn't it rather be something like

    if (rs.Fields(ii).EOF || rs.Fields(ii).value == null) {
        // then use empty string instead of .value

    Btw, to get a table (nested arrays) you will need to add something like

    var arrayCol = new Array(17);

    to your outer loop.