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Randomized Quick Sort Pivot selection with 25%-75% split

I came to know that in case of Randomized quick sort, if we choose the pivot in such a way that it will at least give the split in the ration 25%-75%, then the run time is O(n log n). Now I also came to know that we can prove this with Master Theorem.

But my problem is that if we split the array in 25%-75% in each step, then how I will define my T(n) and how can I prove that the runtime analysis in O(n log n)?


  • You can use Master theorem to find the complexity of this kind of algorithms. In this particular case assume, that when you divide the array into two parts each of these parts is not greater then 3/4 of the initial array. Then, T(n) < 2 * T(3/4 * n) + O(n), or T(n) = 2 * T(3/4 * n) + O(n) if you look for upper bound. Master theorem gives you the solution for this equation.

    Update: though Master theorem may solve such recurrence equations, in this case it gives us a result which is worse than expected O(n*log n). Nevertheless, it can be solved in other way. If we assume that a pivot always splits the array in the way that the smaller part is >= 1/4 size, then we can limit the recursion depth as log_{4/3}N (because on each level the size of array decreases by at least 4/3 times). Time complexity on each recursion level is O(n) in total, thus we have O(n) * log{4/3}n = O(n*log n) overall complexity.

    Furthermore, if you want some more strict analysis, you may consider a Wikipedia article, there are some good proofs.