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Is lock or volatile required when worker threads write non-competitively to local or class variables?

For the case below, when there is no competition for writes between the worker threads, are locks or volatile still required? Any difference in the answer if "Peek" access is not required at "G".

class A 
   Object _o; // need volatile (position A)?
   Int _i;    // need volatile (position B)?

      Object o;
      Int i;

      Task [] task = new Task[2]
         Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { 
              _o = f1();   // use lock() (position C)?
              o  = f2();   // use lock() (position D)?
         Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { 
              _i = g1();   // use lock() (position E)?
              i  = g2();   // use lock() (position F)?

      // "Peek" at _o, _i, o, i (position G)?


      // Use _o, _i, o, i (position H)?


  • Writes to reference types (i.e. Object) and word-sized value types (i.e. int in a 32 bit system) are atomic. This means that when you peek at the values (position 6) you can be sure that you either get the old value or the new value, but not something else (if you had a type such as a large struct it could be spliced, and you could read the value when it was half way through being written). You don't need a lock or volatile, so long as you're willing to accept the potential risk of reading stale values.

    Note that because there is no memory barrier introduced at this point (a lock or use of volatile both add one) it's possible that the variable has been updated in the other thread, but the current thread isn't observing that change; it can be reading a "stale" value for (potentially) quite some time after it has been changed in the other thread. The use of volatile will ensure that the current thread can observe changes to the variable sooner.

    You can be sure that you'll have the appropriate value after the call to WaitAll, even without a lock or volatile.

    Also note that while you can be sure the reference to the reference type is written atomically, your program makes no guarantee about the observed order of any changes to the actual object that the reference refers to. Even if, from the point of view of the background thread, the object is initialized before it is assigned to the instance field, it may not happen in that order. The other thread can therefore observe the write of the reference tot he object but then follow that reference and find an object in an initialize, or partially initialized, state. Introducing a memory barrier (i.e. through the use of a volatile variable can potentially allow you to prevent the runtime from making such re-orderings, thus ensuring that doesn't happen. This is why it's better to just not do this in the first place and to just have the two tasks return the results that they generate rather than manipulating a closed over variable.

    WaitAll will introduce a memory barrier, in addition to ensuring that the two tasks are actually finished, which means that you know that the variables are up-to-date and will not have the old stale values.