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c#subsonicsubsonic-active-record and causing compile errors

I'm trying to update my ActiveRecord.cs and Struct.cs for a project after adding a column to a table on my database. I've done this numerous times before, right click the tool and click 'Run Customer tool', and never had issues.

However this time I get a ton of errors (83 to be exact) after the tools finish running. I've tried reverting the changes and running it again, but the errors still show up. I really have no idea where to go from here since this has never happened before. Is there something obvious I should check that could cause these tools to run incorrectly?

I'll provide a screenshot of some of the errors. enter image description here

EDIT: Changed the screenshot to something easier to read.


  • Seems the issue was that the .cs files were not being generated correctly. This was caused by the db server we use timing out while the tools were running. Reason I didn't catch it was because the timed out error wasn't listed the first couple times I tried this.