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Removing hash comments that are not inside quotes

I am using python to go through a file and remove any comments. A comment is defined as a hash and anything to the right of it as long as the hash isn't inside double quotes. I currently have a solution, but it seems sub-optimal:

filelines = []
    r = re.compile('(".*?")')
    for line in f:
        m = r.split(line)
        nline = ''
        for token in m:
            if token.find('#') != -1 and token[0] != '"':
                nline += token[:token.find('#')]
                nline += token

Is there a way to find the first hash not within quotes without for loops (i.e. through regular expressions?)


' "Phone #":"555-1234" ' -> ' "Phone #":"555-1234" '
' "Phone "#:"555-1234" ' -> ' "Phone "'
'#"Phone #":"555-1234" ' -> ''
' "Phone #":"555-1234" #Comment' -> ' "Phone #":"555-1234" '

Edit: Here is a pure regex solution created by user2357112. I tested it, and it works great:

filelines = []
r = re.compile('(?:"[^"]*"|[^"#])*(#)')
for line in f:
    m = r.match(line)
    if m != None:

See his reply for more details on how this regex works.

Edit2: Here's a version of user2357112's code that I modified to account for escape characters (\"). This code also eliminates the 'if' by including a check for end of string ($):

filelines = []
r = re.compile(r'(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|[^"#])*(#|$)')
for line in f:
    m = r.match(line)


  • r'''(?:        # Non-capturing group
          "[^"]*"  # A quote, followed by not-quotes, followed by a quote
          |        # or
          [^"#]    # not a quote or a hash
        )          # end group
        *          # Match quoted strings and not-quote-not-hash characters until...
        (#)        # the comment begins!

    This is a verbose regex, designed to operate on a single line, so make sure to use the re.VERBOSE flag and feed it one line at a time. It'll capture the first unquoted hash as group 1 if there is one, so you can use match.start(1) to get the index. It doesn't handle backslash escapes, if you want to be able to put a backslash-escaped quote in a string. This is untested.