I have a question about Intuit API. I want to connect for the first time with this API. I'm using .NET SDK. I'm going througt this tutorial: http://goo.gl/PzIzoa . I don't know what i have to pass in arguments issuerId and subject (Step 1.b). I left them empty for the first try and I'm catching InvalidTokenException. What arguments I have to pass to make it work?
Edit: Thanks for your help, now I'm connecting via your web app. Now I want to connect using my application. I wrote this code:
string certificateFile = "C:\\OpenSSL-Win32\\bin\\testapp1.crt";
string password = "xxx";
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificateFile, password);
string consumerKey = "xxx";
string consumerSecret = "xxx";
string issuerId = "";
string subject = "";
SamlRequestValidator val = new SamlRequestValidator(certificate, consumerKey, consumerSecret, issuerId, subject);
After calling SamlRequestValidator constructor I'm catching InvalidTokenException. What am I doing wrong? What I have to do to make it work?
Please take a look at the following link.
You can use apiexplorer tool to test these API calls without using devkit. (It will ensure that your OAuth keys are working fine)
You can refer the following .Net sample app as well.
Let me know if you get any issue related to this process.