I am facing troubles while doing mathematical operations in PHP specifically with big int
For example echo 600851475143 % 3;
prints 0 but 600851475143 is not divisible by 3
the factorial of 100 is
but when I tried to calculate the factorial of 100 through the following code
$n = 100;
$product = 1;
for($i = 1 ; $i <= $n ; $i++){
$product = $product*$i;
$product = sprintf('%f', $product);
the result was
I am not sure where I am wrong or it have to do something with the size of variable
See http://floating-point-gui.de/ for some explanation about this error.
bcmul uses strings to represent the data and will do exact calculations:
$n = 100;
$product = 1;
for($i = 1 ; $i <= $n ; $i++){
$product = bcmul($product,$i);
print $product;