Often I cannot use std::for_each because my logic for a particular element depends on its current index. To that end, I've invented a functor class which wraps the main functor and passes it the current index. Ideally I want to use it with lambda expressions. Is the class I have created safe and effective? Are there any better solutions? I did want the wrapper's operator () to return the type of the lambda expression, but I couldn't figure that out. Also, what type should I use for the index? Should I store the main functor in the wrapper by value or reference?
template<class FUNC>
class IndexFunctor
typedef FUNC FUNC_T;
explicit IndexFunctor(const FUNC_T& func) : func(func), index(0) {}
// how can this return the return type of func?
template<class T>
void operator ()(T& param)
func(index++, param);
const FUNC_T& GetFunctor() const
return func;
int GetIndex() const
return index;
void SetIndex(int index)
this->index = index;
FUNC_T func;
int index;
template<class FUNC>
IndexFunctor<FUNC> with_index(const FUNC& func)
return IndexFunctor<FUNC>(func);
void somefunc()
std::vector<int> v(10);
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), with_index([](int index, int x){ std::cout << "[" << index << "]=" << x << std::endl; }));
That should be safe, although it's fairly straightforward to write an indexed for-each yourself.
template <typename TInputIterator, typename TFunc>
TFunc counted_for_each(TInputIterator first, TInputIterator last, TFunc func)
for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first)
func(i++, *first);
return func;
Less code and accomplishes the same thing.