I have a script that requires executing four rather large MySQL queries on the same subset of data. Is there a way to combine them into one query?
Here is what the query looks like:
Select sum(value) From
( Select lat, lng, value From `pop_geo_199` Where (
(lat Between 38.1768916977 And 39.6131083023) And (lng Between -77.9596650363 And -76.1143349637))
) As FirstCut
Where (acos(0.627895140732*sin(radians(lat)) + 0.778297945677*cos(radians(lat))*cos(radians(lng)-(-1.34454929586))) * 6371 < 79.85)
As you can probably tell, this is a geographic query of latitude and longitude points. What the query does is first create a simple square subset of the total table (FirstCut
), and then runs the trig functions on that to get a circular area.
From what I can tell, the part of the query that is slow is the FirstCut
, because the table it is drawing on has some 2.8 million rows. FirstCut
, though, in this instance, only has about 27,922 rows, so the trig part goes super fast by comparison.
The issue is, I have to run a few of these. They can all use the same FirstCut
, though, since they are different radii centered on the same area. I'd love to be able to pull this off with just one query instead of four.
Here is what a second query looks like:
Select sum(value) From
( Select lat, lng, value From `pop_geo_199` Where (
(lat Between 38.1768916977 And 39.6131083023) And (lng Between -77.9596650363 And -76.1143349637))
) As FirstCut
Where (acos(0.627895140732*sin(radians(lat)) + 0.778297945677*cos(radians(lat))*cos(radians(lng)-(-1.34454929586))) * 6371 < 48.57)
As you can see it is exactly the same as the other one except the last WHERE clause is slight different — the condition is just a smaller radii (48.57 instead of 79.85).
How can I combine these two queries into one query in an efficient way?
I've tried using CASE clauses -- is this the best approach?
sum(case when (acos(0.627895140732*sin(radians(lat)) + 0.778297945677*cos(radians(lat))*cos(radians(lng)-(-1.34454929586))) * 6371 < 79.85) then value else 0 end),
sum(case when (acos(0.627895140732*sin(radians(lat)) + 0.778297945677*cos(radians(lat))*cos(radians(lng)-(-1.34454929586))) * 6371 < 48.57) then value else 0 end)
From ( Select lat, lng, value From `pop_geo_199` Where ((lat Between 38.1768916977 And 39.6131083023) And (lng Between -77.9596650363 And -76.1143349637)) ) As FirstCut;
You can use a CASE
statement for this. You can also move the calculation into the subquery:
when rad < 79.85
then value
else 0 end) 1stQuerySum,
when rad < 48.57
then value
else 0 end) 2ndQuerySum
From (
Select lat, lng, value,
acos(0.627895140732*sin(radians(lat)) + 0.778297945677*cos(radians(lat))*cos(radians(lng)-(-1.34454929586))) * 6371 rad
From `pop_geo_199`
Where (
(lat Between 38.1768916977 And 39.6131083023) And
(lng Between -77.9596650363 And -76.1143349637)
) As FirstCut