I have a scene in Corona SDK storyboard, a text. I want it that when it enters the scene, the text becomes "1" and it appears, when it exists the scene i want it disappeared so I set it to "". (an empty string) But when I get back to the scene, it remains "" and doesnt sit it to 1 again.
function scene:enterScene( event ) local screenGroup = self.view storyboard.purgeScene("mainmenuscene") backbtn:addEventListener("touch",backbtn) leveltext = display.newText("1", 75, 1.7, native.systemFontBold, 20) leveltext:setTextColor(255,255,255)end
and here is the exit scene function
function scene:exitScene( event )
local screenGroup = self.view -- remove touch listener for image backbtn:removeEventListener( "touch", backbtn ) leveltext = display.newText("", 75, 1.7, native.systemFontBold, 20) leveltext:setTextColor(255,255,255)
Nevermind, I fixed it. Apparently in the exit scene function I should've done leveltext:removeSelf() instead of moving it to ""