§ 1.10.11 of ISO/IEC 14882:2011 (C++ 11) defines the "inter-thread happens before" relation between evaluations, whose only difference from the "happens before" relation in § 1.10.12 is that A happens before B if A is sequenced before B but that is not sufficient for A inter-thread happens before B. Why is "inter-thread happens before" important enough to warrant a separate definition?
A note in § 1.10.11 suggests that "inter-thread happens before" doesn't allow evaluations whose only relation is "sequenced before" in part
to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed
What does that mean? I know what a transitive closure is, and I know what it means for a set to be closed over some operation, but I've never heard of "transitively closed" and both Google and context are failing me.
"Inter-thread happens before" is defined purely for exposition. Note how "happens before" is defined as "sequenced before or inter-thread happens before", and the notion of "inter-thread happens before" is not used for anything else. "Sequenced before" describes evaluations happening on the same thread, "inter-thread happens before" applies to evaluations happening on different threads; "happens before" combines the two.