Search code examples

Assign places in the rating (MySQL, PHP)

I have a MySQL database with the following columns:

id     company      rating_score     rating_place

I have companies and rating scores for each company. So, my db looks like:

id     company      rating_score     rating_place

75     Intel         356.23          

34     Sun           287.49


How can I assign the places (my rating_place column is empty) based on the score using php and mysql?

Thank you!


  • How about this:

    update mytable set rating_place =(select count(*)+1 from mytable intb where intb.rating_score>mytable.rating_score)

    ----edit (after comment) aww sorry, you can't select from the same table that you're updating in mysql, so try it with a temp table:

    create table mytemptable as 
        select @row := @row +1 as place, 
            from mytable, (SELECT @row := 0) r
            order by rating_score desc;

    and then just a similar update:

    update mytable set rating_place = (
        select place 
            from mytemptable 

    after that you can drop that mytemptable.

    although if you want to avoid a separate table and you can use php, you can try

    $res=mysql_query("select id from mytable order by rating_score desc");
    while ($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    foreach ($ratings as $key=>$val) {
        mysql_query("update mytable set rating_score=".($key+1)." where id=".$val);