I need a regular expression that makes sure a string does not start with or end with a space. I don't care if it has a space in the "middle" just not at the beginning or the end.
I have a regular expression that almost works:
Here are some example results:
"HELLO" (Match)
"HEL LO" (Match)
" HELLO" (No Match)
"HELLO " (No Match)
"H" (No Match)
As you can see, the issue I am having is that when the string is only 1 character long ("H" in the example above) it doesn't return a match.
How do I modify my regular expression to handle the case where the string length is 1?
Thank you
NOTE - I am saving this data to an Xml file so I need a pattern to match the same thing in Xml schema. I am not sure if it's the same as whatever Regex in C# uses or not.
If anyone could provide me with the pattern to use in my schema that would be greatly appreciated!
You could do this:
It will match either a single non space character, followed by an optional zero-or-more characters followed by a single non space character.
Given that you said this was for XML schema validation I tested it with this schema:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="xml">
<xs:element name="test" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:attribute name="value">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="\S(.*\S)?"/>
Against this sample document
<test value="HELLO"/> <!-- MATCH -->
<test value="HEL LO"/> <!-- MATCH -->
<test value="HELLO "/> <!-- ERROR -->
<test value=" HELLO"/> <!-- ERROR -->
<test value="H"/> <!-- MATCH -->
So it appears that if you simply remove the start / end brackets. It works.