I am working on an application which gets the HTML from http://www.screener.in/.
I can enter a company name like "Atul Auto Ltd" and submit it and, from the next page, scrape the following details: "CMP/BV" and "CMP".
I am using this code:
require 'mechanize'
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
Company_name='Atul Auto Ltd.'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get('http://www.screener.in/')
form = agent.page.forms[0]
print agent.page.forms[0].fields
button = agent.page.forms[0].button_with(:value => "Search Company")
pages=agent.submit(form, button)
puts pages.at('.//*[@id="top"]/div[3]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[11]')
# not getting any output.
The code is taking me to the right page but I am don't know how to query to get the required data.
I tried different things but was unsuccessful.
If possible, can someone point me towards a nice tutorial which explains how to scrape a particular class from an HTML page. The XPath of the first "CMP/BV" is:
but it is not giving any output.
Using Nokogiri I would go as below:
Using CSS Selectors
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.screener.in/company/?q=Atul+Auto+Ltd.'))
# => Nokogiri::HTML::Document
doc.css('.table.draggable.table-striped.table-hover tr.strong td').class
# => Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet
row_data = doc.css('.table.draggable.table-striped.table-hover tr.strong td').map do |tdata|
#From the webpage I took the below value from the table
#*Peer Comparison Top 7 companies in the same business*
# => ["6.",
# "Atul Auto Ltd.",
# "193.45",
# "8.36",
# "216.66",
# "3.04",
# "7.56",
# "81.73",
# "96.91",
# "17.24",
# "2.92"]
Looking at the table from the webpage I can see CMP/BV and CMP are the twelfth and third columns respectively. Now I can get the data from the array row_data
. So CMP is the second index and CMP/BV is the last value of the array row_data
row_data[2] # => "193.45" #CMP
row_data.last # => "2.92" #CMP/BV
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.screener.in/company/?q=Atul+Auto+Ltd.'))
p doc.at_xpath("//*[@id='peers']/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[3]").text
p doc.at_xpath("//*[@id='peers']/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[10]").text
# >> "193.45" #CMP
# >> "17.24" #CMP/BV