I have a big problem with MySQL. I want to write script like facebook newsfeed. My query return me 27 the same records. I don't know why. How it works? Script displaying posts written by me, my friends or my profile.
My tables: users: id, firstname, lastname
friends: friend1, friend2, status, date
wall: update_id, author, to_profile, content, date, photos
My query:
SELECT wall.update_id, wall.author, wall.to_profile, wall.content, wall.date, wall.photos, users.*, friends.sender_id, friends.friend_id, friends.status
wall.author = friends.sender1
AND friends.friend2 = '".$_SESSION['id']."'
AND friends.status = '1' OR wall.author = '".$_SESSION['id']."'
OR wall.to_profile = '".$_SESSION['id']."'
INNER JOIN users ON users.id = wall.author
ORDER BY wall.date DESC
I also want to display post written by pages which I liked. I created tables:
pages: page_id, page_name
page_likes: page_id, user_id, date
and *pages_wall:** like_id, page_id, user_id, date
How to connect this to my query? And (the most important) how to repair my query? Thanks in advance, Matthew
That's a lot of joining going on. Try using your JOINs just to connect the tables, and then use WHERE to cut down the results. Because as it stands, those ORs aren't working like you probably think they are, they need some () around them.
I think you need some structural changes to this database for it to work well in the future. I'd add an ID field to friends, even if just on the admin side, you're going to want to manage those records.
Also, you shouldn't be querying user.* in this query. It seems like you want to pull out every user setting... for every single wall post. This will get rid of "INNER JOIN users ON users.id = wall.author " at the end which will help. Get that information in it's on query prior to calling this wall display.
FROM users
WHERE users.id = wall.author