In my project, we allow customer to write customer specific logic in JSP pages and attach to our product. Right now after deploying .ear file customer copy the custom files under /WebContent/custom directory so that we can refer those JSPs. This is a tedious process for installation, I would like to simplify this.
I tried the following solution
1) extendedDocumentRoot - IBM WebSphere It works fine when I kept the JSP outside the EAR deployment directory
2) OC4J - This solution also works fine in OracleAS.
<virtual-directory virtual-path="/img" real-path="/e:/pictures/" />
I am looking for a generic solution for all J2EE containers.
No. There is no standard way to accomplish this. This is part of server deployment/configuration and it's out of scope for Servlet spec.
If you use Tomcat, you have to use yet another mechanism,
<Context aliases="/img=/e:/pictures/" ...>