I initialized a local git repository on my desktop running Linux Mint 13. To push to the repository on Assembla I need to have an ssh key.
I first try to generate a new key as such in the terminal:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
The response is:
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ryan/.ssh/id_rsa):
I tried "gitrep". Then I get the following message.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
I left them blank because they are optional as far as I know, but just for the record, adding a passphrase does not change the result. Then...
Your identification has been saved in gitrep.
Your public key has been saved in gitrep.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
da:80:b9:c5:cd:50:9c:1c:49:7f:b7:db:71:92:1e:6a ryan@ryan-MS-7309
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| +++ |
| .=. |
| . . . . |
| + + . . o |
| o + S =..|
| o + o =o|
| . . . E o .|
| . |
| |
Now, I navigate to home/ryan/.ssh/id_rsa the folder is empty, but here's the strange thing. If I redo the above process again using the same file name for the key it adds in:
gitrep already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)?
I do not understand what is going on.
The next part of my question is what I am supposed to do with this generated file. Do I leave it where it is? Do I copy information out of it to some place on Assembla.
I apologize in advance if I have asked the question in such a way as to not follow the actual process as I am not extremely familiar with the subject.
Since you are just entering gitrep
, it's just saving it in your current directory (which is apparently your home directory, judging from your example above).
Check and see if ~/gitrep
and ~/gitrep.pub
exist. You'll need to copy the contents of the gitrep.pub
file to the destination when it asks you for your public key.