I'm using my own subclasses of ndb properties so I can add my own properties to them.
When I retrieve data stored in the ndb, I often (not always) retrieve the data in a _BaseValue wrapper. How can I avoid the returning of _BaseValues?
Currently when I want to use the data I have to pass it to a function to get the b_val first.
Request arguments
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,834 debug.py:24] discount_application
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,835 debug.py:24] url_name 10
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,835 debug.py:24] name 10%
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,835 debug.py:24] discount.amount 10
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,835 debug.py:24] discount_type discount
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,836 debug.py:24] free_text_discount
INFO 2013-02-01 08:15:05,836 debug.py:24] discount.currency euro
Data received from datastore using printed using custom function
created _BaseValue(datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 31, 10, 41, 6, 757020))
updated _BaseValue(datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1, 8, 13, 34, 924218))
name _BaseValue('10%')
active _BaseValue(True)
name_lower _BaseValue('10%')
url_name _BaseValue('10_')
discount_type _BaseValue('free_text_discount')
discount _BaseValue(Discount(amount=0, currency=u'euro'))
free_text_discount _BaseValue('Krijg nu 10% korting')
discount_application _BaseValue(' ')
Data after parsing the request arguments
created 2013-01-31 10:41:06.757020
updated 2013-02-01 08:13:34.924218
name u'10%'
active True
name_lower u'10%'
url_name u'10_'
discount_type u'discount'
discount Discount(amount=1000, currency=u'euro')
free_text_discount u''
discount_application u' '
As far as I can tell the way the data is stored the way I want or not randomly. Data after receiving the same instance after putting is shown below. Also the data after putting is shown as discount.discount.amount and discount.discount.currency instead of just discount.amount and discount.currency
created _BaseValue(datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 16, 14, 29, 52, 457230))
updated _BaseValue(datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1, 8, 14, 29, 329138))
name _BaseValue('20%')
active _BaseValue(True)
name_lower _BaseValue('20%')
url_name u'20_'
discount_type _BaseValue('discount')
discount _BaseValue(Discount(discount=Expando(amount=2000L, currency='percent')))
free_text_discount _BaseValue(' ')
discount_application _BaseValue('')
Action looks like this
# BaseModel has some default properties and inherits from CleanModel
class Action(BaseModel):
_verbose_name = _("Action")
max_create_gid = gid.ADMIN
max_list_gid = gid.ADMIN
max_delete_gid = gid.ADMIN
# And some additional irrelevant properties
# properties is a module containing custom properties,
# which have some additional properties and functions
discount = properties.StructuredProperty(Discount,
help_message=_("Set a minimum discount of 10%% or € 1,00"),
def validate(self, original=None):
return {}
And discount looks like this
# CleanModel has some irrelevant functions and inherits from ndb.Model
class Discount(common_models.CleanModel):
amount = EuroMoney.amount.update(
currency = EuroMoney.currency.update(
updates={CURRENCY_PERCENT: "%%"}),
_values should never be used. getattr should be used instead.
An example for looping through properties of a Model:
entity = Model(**kwargs)
for name in entity._properties:
val = getattr(entity, name)