I have to load the tar file contents in a buffer (by creating a stream) and then i have to store the file of my interest in the buffer (i suppose that there are number of files and there is one .html file which i am interested in storing inside the buffer) and i have thought of storing only the contents of this particular .html file in the buffer.
and then after storing only the contents of that .html file in buffer i will display that buffer which will show me the html file (which is exactly the same .html file which we will get on uncompressing that tar file in which that .html file is stored.)
Now is there any mechnaism exist to know that .html file exists at this particular location so that i will set my biffer at that particular index and will store the full .html file only.
It sounds like your trying achieve the same effect as this question:
Coerce Windows to show a thumbnail for my custom file type
And here is a direct link on how to do it (with examples in c++):