I am using the default search provided by the YII CGridView. I have a text date field in the search criteria. I am trying to compare the date passed with the date in the database but they are not matching. I need to convert the format of the dates stored in the database as the date in the database also have time and I need to remove time before comparing the dates, But I cannot figure out a way to do this.
In the default Search function() this is the line where I want to convert the dates before comparing. I have tried the conversion but this does not seem to work.
$criteria->compare(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('application_date')),
date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->application_date)),true);
Thanks for your help!!!
There is one way of doing this, You have to use Date_Format function of mysql like follow:
$criteria->compare('DATE_FORMAT(application_date,"%Y-%m-%d")',date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->application_date)),true);