i'm trying to build an android app which uses google maps with the support fragment libraries, everything was going fine until i tried to implement my own sliding menu, which didn't seem like a big task, i just put it behind the main activity fragment, and when i want to show it i slide the main screen to the right. sounds simple enough right? well it was all working fine except for one thing, whenever i tried to apply translation (may it be in animation or without) the layout would start flickering non stop, i have no idea why this happens, i tried to do it in several ways but the main issue remained, whenever i use translation, the layout would flicker and other layouts too.
another thing to note is that i have Samsung Galaxy S2, i tried to run the app on my friends HTC and it worked fine, plz help! heres a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICpu5s5r7xE
i solved this by adding a transparent imageView on top of my map, i guess it forced a different kind of redraw to the screen, this idea wasn't mine, i got it from a different google maps related problem, this is how my xml looks now (part of it)
class="com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment" />
hope this helps! :)