I have two models related HABTM (documents and people).
class Person extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Person';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Document' => array(
'className' => 'Document',
'joinTable' => 'documents_people',
'foreignKey' => 'person_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'document_id',
'unique' => false
class Document extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Document';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'className' => 'Person',
'joinTable' => 'documents_people',
'foreignKey' => 'document_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'person_id',
'unique' => false
I have the add view of documents populated with one checkbox for each person that will be related to the document.
echo $form->input('People', array('type'=>'select', 'multiple'=>'checkbox', 'options'=>$people, 'label' => 'People: '));
This is the line from the controller that is supposed to be doing the saving.
if ($this->Document->saveAll($this->data)) {
I noticed that the data was not getting saved into the documents_people table. So, I dumped $this->data.
The document portion looks like this:
[Document] => Array
[file_name] => asdasd
[tags] => habtm
[People] => Array
[0] => 6
[1] => 12
[2] => 15
[image] => img/docs/2009-11-19-233059Jack.jpg
Those are the ids of the people I want associated with this document. However, nothing is transferred to documents_people. What have I done wrong?
Perhaps your $this->data
array should have a 'Person' section, not a plural 'People'
Have you tried...
echo $form->input('Person'.....