Hello people of stack overflow
I am relatively new to the rails platform and needed some help with model querying
Here is my code:
def create
@project = Project.new(params[:project])
if @project.save
redirect_to new_project_path
Each time a new project is created, a string called student_str is stored, where the ID number of each student is seperated by a ";". I split that string to an array using the split function
So, here is my problem
I have another model called users which contains the list of all students in the system. I want to select @users for all the model entries where their ID matches any of the array values in the array "student".
Any help will be much appreciated
Right now, I'm testing out with junk data.So my student_str would be something like 1PI12CS019;1PI10IS034;1PI11ME110
Each of the ID's are seperated by a ";"
The student model is created using the devise gem and contains the following fields
ID Name Email phone number
and the other devise stuff
given student_str
to be 1PI12CS019;1PI10IS034;1PI11ME110
, the easiest way to fetch users with those ids is to split the string first and query using the result.
>> student_str = '1PI12CS019;1PI10IS034;1PI11ME110'
>> ids = student_str.split(';')
>> User.where(id: ids) # should give you a list of users matching the ids in the string
Knowing this, there are actually 2 things I'd like to bring up.
Good luck!