I've recently upgraded to ABCPdf version 9, and now get this error:
ABCpdf 32-bit core engine version 9102 is not compatible with ABCpdf .NET version
Seems like there must be a rogue dll floating around. Any one know what that DLL might be called? Or point me in the right direction?
At the moment I can't find any DLL that seems to be the wrong version...
There are details of the DLLs involved in the Manual Installation section of the documentation.
The core engine DLLs are called ABCpdf9-32.dll and ABCpdf9-64.dll. The former contains 32 bit code. The latter contains 64 bit code. There is another DLL called ABCpdf.dll which is the main managed assembly.
The error indicates that the these DLLs do not match up. That you've got, as you surmise, a rogue DLL floating about. If you get properties on your DLLs you should be able to see the version and work out what is what.
However at a guess I would suggest that you have the new ABCpdf DLL installed in the GAC but that you have previously copied some of the DLLs to the bin folder of your project. Remove those copied DLLs and it should just work.