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spray-json and list marshalling

I'm using spray-json to marshal lists of custom objects into JSON. I have the following case class and its JsonProtocol.

case class ElementResponse(name: String, symbol: String, code: String, pkwiu: String, remarks: String, priceNetto: BigDecimal, priceBrutto: BigDecimal, vat: Int, minInStock:Int,                        maxInStock: Int)

object JollyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport  {
 implicit val elementFormat = jsonFormat10(ElementResponse)

When I try to put in in a route like this one:

get {
      complete {
        List(new ElementResponse(...), new ElementResponse(...))

I get an error saying that:

 could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller[List[]]

Perhaps you know what is the problem?

I'm using Scala 2.10.1 with spray 1.1-M7 and spray-json 1.2.5


  • You also need to import the format you defined on the route scope:

    import JollyJsonProtocol._
    get {
          complete {
            List(new ElementResponse(...), new ElementResponse(...))