I'm having a little bit of trouble doing this multilanguage MVC 4 web application, I've looked everywhere but, I haven't found exactly what I wanted.
What I want is: I have my solution divided by 4 project, among them, there's the web MVC 4 project (the main project) and a Resource project, where I created 2 resource files(en-US.resx and pt-BR.resx) I can assing easily a viewBag.title, for example with a pt-BR resource text on a view, like so:
@using Resources
ViewBag.Title = pt_BR.HomeTitle;
The only thing I want to know is how can I store the resource file (pt_BR and en_US) in something and the text will be transformed, like this
var culture = Resources.en_US; //or var culture = Resources.pt_BR;
and then
@using Resources
ViewBag.Title = culture.HomeTitle;
and then I'll use a resource string from the file the I've selected in the beginning of the application
What you could do is create a Home.resx file for the english texts and a Home.pt-BR.resx file for the portuguese text and then you access them like this
ViewBag.Title = Resources.Home.Title;
The Culture of your thread will choose the correct file. You can set the thread culture manually in web.config ex.
<globalization uiCulture="pt-BR" culture="pt-BR" />