I am trying to write a MASM615 assembly program where part of the program switches the address of two strings if needed. However, I have no idea how to do this. Basically, I need to pass the two string pointers into a new procedure by reference, and the procedure switches the addresses.
Thus far I have:
lea eax, str1
lea ebx, str2
push ebx
push eax
call compare
So you see, the addresses are pushed into stack. In the procedure I pop them off of stack into the same registers (seems a little pointless, but oh well)... and then what? I feel like I need to somehow tell str1
to point to the address in ebx
, and str2
to point to the address in eax
, but how?!
Edit: Current test code....
TITLE MASM Template (main.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
str1 db "Hello",0
str2 db "Hi there",0
pStr1 dd ?
pStr2 dd ?
main PROC
mov [pStr1],OFFSET str1
mov [pStr2],OFFSET str2
mov edx, [pStr1]
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main
It seems like you want something like this:
str1 db "Hello",0
str2 db "Hi there",0
pStr dd ?
mov [pStr],OFFSET str1
; if some condition is fulfilled, jump past this:
mov [pStr],OFFSET str2
mov edx,[pStr]
call WriteString