Doesd anyone has any idea of how to make the feature like Facebook uses in chat, where when you start typing it shows up on the users screen?
I have a complete working chat based on user id,s but unble to make this. The chat is working using JSON,php and ajax.
This is actually a pretty easy feature to add to a chat. You are first going to need a place to store the typing information. I usually just store it in a database. 1
for is typing, and 0
for not. You are going to want to use a smart setup so that when typing only 1 request is sent to show you are typing and not everytime you hit the key. I have mine set up with a timer so when the user stops typing for 2000 milliseconds, the typing setting for that conversation is set to 0
My Script looks like:
var typing = false,
shift = false,
$(".chatText").unbind('keyup keypress blur').keypress(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
if (e.shiftKey !== true) {
shift = true;
return false;
}).bind('keyup', function () {
if (shift) {
Connect.messages.send(id, to);
Connect.type(id, 0);
shift = false;
} else {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
if (!typing) {
Connect.type(id, 1);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
Connect.type(id, 0);
}, 2000);
if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
Connect.type(id, 0);
}).blur(function () {
Connect.type(id, 0);
type: function (id, t) {
if ((t == 0 && typing) || (t == 1 && !typing)) {
$$.connect.staticRec(btoa($$.TRANS.d("L2FqYXgvdHlwZS5waHA/aWQ9") + id + $$.TRANS.d("JlNFVD0=") + t)); //ajax/type.php?id={id}&SET={t}
if (t) {
typing = true
else typing = false;
require "connect.php";
require "user.php";
$number = $data['number'];
$id = escape($_GET['id']);
if (strlen($id) < 4 OR strlen($id) > 6 OR (int)$_GET['SET'] > 1) exit();
$FOTQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT `from` FROM `typing` WHERE `id`='$id'")->fetch_assoc(); //from or to query
$FOT = ($FOTQ['from'] == $number ? 'from' : 'to') . 'typing';
$type = escape($_GET['SET']);
$mysqli->query("UPDATE `typing` SET `$FOT`='$type' WHERE `id`='$id'");
Informing the user using Server Sent Events (note: my own SSE function):
var $id = $(this).data("id");
var item = $(".messageBox[data-id='" + $id + "']");"orgName", item.children("name").text());
url: $$.TRANS.e("/ajax/typing/" + $id),
message: function (e) {
item = $(".messageBox[data-id='" +"id") + "']");
if ( == "1") {
var name = item.children("name").text();
var firstName = name.split(" ")[0];
var hasName = name.match(/[0-9]/) ? "User" : firstName;
item.children("name").html(hasName + " typing");
if ( == "0") {
duration: 2500
}, "typing", false);
My typing.php
for the Server-Sent Event:
require "connect.php";
require "user.php";
header("Content-Type: text/event-stream\n\n");
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
$id = escape($_GET['id']);
$number = $data['number'];
$ms = 100;
$tS = 0; //type stat
while (1) {
$FOTQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `typing` WHERE `id`='$id'")->fetch_assoc(); //from or to query
$cts = $FOTQ[($FOTQ['from'] == $number ? 'to' : 'from') . 'typing']; //current type stat
if ($tS != $cts) {
echo "data:" . $cts;
echo "\n\n";
$tS = 1;
echo "\n\n";
usleep($ms * 1000);
I'm using Server-Sent Events. That allows me to keep an open connection with the server.
NOTE: My PHP skills are Meh.
But, hope this gives you an idea.