I just installed the foundation in my application base directory by executing the following command:
compass create myprojectname -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
Now I have open the sass/_settings.scss file and I have un-comment the 66th line that is the following:
$include-html-classes: true;
finaly, I try to compile my foundation project in order to include the html classes by executing the following command:
compass compile
but I am getting the following result in my command prompt:
Nothing to compile. If you're trying to starta new project, you have left off the directory argument.
Run "compass -h" to get help.
also, based on this page : http://foundation.zurb.com/old-docs/f3/compass.php I try to compile my scss code by using the command:
compass watch
but again I am getting the same message as with compile argument next to compass.
Note: I am executing the above commands in the same directory I run the first command for the foundation project creationg.
Note: I am very new user on compass, sass, foundation framework. Actually, today is the first time I am using them, so I am not expirienced user. Please be kind with me :)
Is there anybody to help me with that ?
When you use compass create [directory_name]
, Compass creates your project within ./[directory_name]
relative from your current directory (running compass create
without the directory name would have created the project in the current directory). In order to compile or watch a Compass project, you need to do either of the following things:
compass compile [path_to_config.rb]
compass compile
Alternately, you could move your config.rb to where you want to run your command. Just make sure you edit the paths to directories configured within said file.