I have a problem settings the holo style using holoeverywhere.Using some of the components I can see a double frame that look horrible. I've tried different settings but I can not find the solution. I think I am using badly this library.
I am going to attach some image to be clear:
I am going to describe a bit how I am working with them:
In my manifest, I am not ussing any style from this library. Actually I am using this style:
For the progress bar I am not ussing any xml, only a object
private ProgressDialog mPD;
which is imported from
import org.holoeverywhere.app.ProgressDialog;
and I call it using:
mPD = ProgressDialog.show(context, null, progressMessage, true, true);
That's all.
For the TimePicker, I am creating this in runtime creating this object
new TimePickerDialog(getActivity(),android.R.style.Theme_Holo_Dialog_NoActionBar, timePickerListener,calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE), true).show();
I have no idea about what I am doing bad...how I could delete this frame under my holo objects. Any subjections? Thanks
If. You. Not use. Styles from library... For what are you use library?
it's most stupid and horrible use-case for library. Really.
Not mix native/compat styles with compat/native classes. Never.