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Magento WSI SOAP v2 API Custom Webservice Returns Empty Response

Problem: I succesfully call my webservice, but I get an empty response in return.


  • I created a new Module structure and files following this tutorial: Magento: Extending the API (v2)
    • MyNamespace
      • MyModule
        • Helper
          • Data.php
        • Model
          • MyModel
            • Api
              • V2.php
          • etc
            • api.xml
            • config.xml
            • wsdl.xml
            • wsi.xml
Also added the module config in: app/etc/modules/MyNamespace_MyModule.xml

  • I debug the call with XDebug, and effectively stops at the breakpoint inside the webservice function
  • The webservice is supposed to return a simple string: "Hello World"
  • Testing with SoapUI all I get is an empty response with content length 0.

What can be wrong or missing!? Any help is appreciated.


I've managed to debug the call and realized that when it reaches class Zend_Soap_Server on line 832:


It doesn't execute any further! I don't know why.


  • The wsdl.xml had a small mis-configuration in the following line:

    <binding style="rpc" transport=""/>

    It should be:

    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>