The text in my JOptionPanes are way to small I was wondering how I could change the font of the text inside the pane. Also, I would like to be set a space between two buttons.
Something like
|Canecl| |DoneSave| |Save|
I guess you mean the fonts on your JButton
s inside the JOptionPane
are too small.
For that I suggest using Swing Utils by Darryl Burke. Now you can easily do e.g.
for (JButton button : SwingUtils.getDescendantsOfType(JButton.class, pane)) {
button.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 32));
to set the fonts on all JButton
s inside of JOptionPane
If you want to set the font of the JOptionPane
message itself, use e.g.
new FontUIResource(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 32))
In regard to the "spacing of buttons" question: I don't know if that can be done without extending & make a customized JOptionPane