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Does application scoped beans run on seperate thread in JSF?

I am using JSF to create a web app.

I have an application scoped bean that has a infinite loop so that it periodically performs an action.

My problem is that this bean (due to the infinite loop) is blocking the whole application. I thought that the bean would run on its own thread. Isnt that the case with JSF, that each managed bean is running on own thread by default?

Should I create a thread and let the infinite loop run in that thread instead?

thank you


  • Does application scoped beans run on seperate thread in JSF?

    No, it definitely doesn't.

    Should I create a thread and let the infinite loop run in that thread instead?

    No, you shouldn't. You should just create a scheduled task. Best way to that is to use a @Singleton @Schedule EJB.

    public class SomeDailyJob {
        @Schedule(hour="0", minute="0", second="0", persistent=false)
        public void run() {
            // Do your job here which should run daily at midnight.

    That's all. No additional configuration of manually messing with threads necessary. If you want to access its state -if any- from in a JSF managed bean, just inject with @EJB the usual way.

    See also: