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How to know the current storyboard name?

I want to know what is the current loaded storyboard,I used the below code but it is still get me the Main storyboard not the current.

//This get me the Main storyboard 
[[NSBundle mainBundle].infoDictionary objectForKey:@"UIMainStoryboardFile"];


  • If you are working in a UIViewController class that is instantied or segues through the storyboard the most simple way is :

    UIStoryboard *storyBoard = self.storyboard;

    If you are in a UIView class that is in a UIViewController

    UIResponder *responder = self;
    while (![responder isKindOfClass:[UIViewController class]]) {
        responder = [responder nextResponder];
        if (nil == responder) {
    UIViewController *viewController = (UIViewController *) responder;
    UIStoryboard *storyBoard = viewController.storyboard;