I cannot figure out how to install pyopencl with Cygwin. Never used Cygwin before so I am very lost as to how I initiate python and use it to run my .py setup files.
You said, you want to install pyopencl without cygwin on windows, right?
There we go:
In case of you need 32-Bit version, download win32 Packages.
Download Python 2.7.5 Windows X86-64 Installer from http://www.python.org/download/ and install python (you rather install it in C:\Python27)
Download numpy, scipy, pyopencl and install them
Go to pypi.python.org/pypi/pytools and download pytools.
Extract the file (using i.e. WinRAR) or tar (tar cxvf my.tar.gz)
Open commandline aka Dos (cmd.exe) and go in cmd to the folder you have extracted pytools by using cd command
Enter in cmd: python setup.py install
Open Python IDLE or simply type python in cmd and type import pyopencl
There should be no errors. If so, you did well.