How can you determine if in Attachment field in Access does not contain an attachment using VBA? I tried
If IsNull(rstMassBalance.Fields("FileName"))
If rstMassBalance.Fields("FileName") = Null
but neither of these work. It either does nothing or gives me run-time error 3021 that says "No current record"
I don't use the Attachments
field, but the attachments are retrieved into a Recordset2
from the Value
property of the attachments-field.
Dim rsChild As DAO.Recordset2
Set rsChild = rstMassBalance.Fields("FileName").Value
I'm not sure if this will return Nothing
or an empty recordset if there are no attachments. So either:
If rsChild Is Nothing Then
If rsChild.RecordCount <= 0 Then 'probably this one
There is a lot of information to be garnered from this Access Blog.
Work with Attachments in DAO suggests that you could check:
If rsChild.EOF Then