I have a project in which I need to add the ZipArchive files and unzip a file I download but every time I try to do that i get this errors after i set everything(adding zlib in the linker and everything needed for the files to work). I add all the imports needed and I just drag the ZipArchive in the folder structure that is needed into my project. Any help on getting rid of these errors? i've been trying for a few days and cant find the problem. I have Xcode 4.6.3 and this is the final error i'm getting:
Apple LLVM Compiler 4.2 Error Too many errors emitted ,stopping now
It looks like you're including Objective-C headers when compiling C code. This is probably as a result of your .pch file. Remove Objective-C imports from the .pch file or ensure that they are wrapped in an ifdef
to prevent them from being processed during C compilation (#ifdef __OBJC__