I'm currently using COMPASS (version 0.12.2) which AFAIK automatically comes with SASS (version 2.9.2 Media Park) under Ubuntu. In order to finally being able to use real source maps (since the newer Google Chrome versions stopped supporting the still current "debug_info" produced by COMPASS/SASS in favour to real source maps) I'd like to update SASS to the version 3.3.0alpha which can produce source maps.
Do I simply gem install sass -v '>=3.3.0alpha' --pre
and COMPASS will still work fine, or do I have to wait for an updated version of COMPASS that then comes with 3.3 version of SASS?
Any hint welcome.
Cheers, Roman.
Yes, you can simply install Sass from the command line.
Then, run Sass/Compass with sass --compass --sourcemap styles.scss:styles.css